Dear Black/Minority Man,
You are a KING...You are a KING...You are a KING. If I could take the time to say this multiple times to every single one of you I would. You are filled with purpose, power, and ability to inspire change. You my Kings are an example of true strength and perseverance, because even when all the odds are stack against you, you still find a way to survive. You my Kings are an asset, gifts not a problem that needs to be fixed/figured out by outside human powers. The change you are looking for begins with a deep look at your reflection.
Less than a 100 years ago the flesh from your backs were stripped/ burned off your bodies. Your dangling bodies in the hot sun was considered entertainment. That brutality and savagery tried to break the burning fire that is your spirit but it only inflamed your desire to live, increased your ability to dream. You endure but were left scarred. The physical scarring healed but the emotional, psychological one was left festering creating the environment we live in.
Nigger became "Nigga" a term of endearment with a history of imprisonement, the word "boy" that was once used as a phrase that met less than is now a catchphrase we throw around more between us than any other race. Thug, Criminal, Gangsta, Dead-beat, Thief, Murderer, Drug dealer, Cheaters became labels we became comfortable living, and witnessing. Enough is enough!! It's time to reclaim your rightful place! It's time to rise & unite. You are Kings.
Survival has been the way of thinking. The heaviness of an unfair, bias justice system has been a steady lash on your backs...yet you still persevere. Your tenacity and strength just move me, Kings. It's not easy being black/minority, on certain days it can be downright hell but God made no mistake when he made you. So hold on my brothers, you were born for such a time as this. Rise up Kings and take your place. Nothing will change unless we inspire it.
If you haven't heard it in a long while just wanted to end with saying you are LOVED. I appreciate you.
Challenge: So whoever is reading this I am challenging you to reach out to the men, boys in your life and speak life into them, give them a place of peace. Send them a text message, a reminder, write them a letter. Right now! There is enough hate circulating around let's pour out love.
Beloved Rise,
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