No...I am not deathly sick & no I am not suicidal (all though that is part of my testimony).... I realize that by and by I am becoming more Kingdom minded, more Heavenly focus. I have given up my citizenship to this world, I have revoke my allegiance to the normal way of living/thinking and have accepted that I will always be a stranger in this place. A temporary visitor on assignment.
I remember the first time I flew on a plane to come to America. I was 8 years old, I can't say I really understood what it meant to be on that plane, in my childlike innocence this was just an adventure. I didn't realize that America would now be my home, I didn't know that my life as I knew it in Haiti was over. I remember being so nervous because not only was it going to be my first time on a plane but I would also be flying by myself. That trip was the first time I ever felt like a foreigner. Not everyone spoke the same language as me on that plane, my whole life I was surrounded by people who look like me, spoke like me, and for the most part in my childlike mind thought like me. During that moment I realize that life/ the world was bigger than my little sphere of knowledge. It was an end to what was comfortable for me and an expansion to something that would be better for me. Looking back now I realize that this experience was a character forming moment. From that moment I would have multiple experiences where I felt like I just didn't fit in which I'll share in another blog. But just like that plane ride was leading me away from what I knew it was bringing me to a new place. Death can be viewed like that plane ride.
Death is the beginning of life in a different form. It's interesting to me how we don't mourn the end of pregnancy but we celebrate it, anticipate for it, prepare for it. In fact we so look forward to it that we have created apps that help us countdown to the inevitable. How awesome would it be if we mature to a place as believers/people where instead of fearing death, fighting to avoid it, to the point that we ignore it. We rejoice because Jesus conquered death. Due to his victory it is no longer something to fear but something that we can anticipate with excitement. Our death will be an end to our pain, suffering, persecution, trials, and all that we knew of here on Earth but it will also be our birthday in Heaven. Just like a baby stayed in the womb for only a little while and at the appointed time was received in the world so should we look forward to and plan for the day where we have a new birthday.
Dear Abba,
Thank you for placing eternity in my heart. Thank you for always reminding me that the pain that I endure each day is for a greater purpose but most importantly will only last for a little while. Daddy help me not to get lost in the busyness and fleeting things of this world. Help me to trust your process in this journey. Remind me daily that death is not the only the end of what I know but the beginning of more than I could ever imagine. Etch your presence into my very being so when I fear or doubt, I am reminded that you promised to never leave or forsake me. I pray Lord that my fellow brothers and sisters become so eternally focus that they realize that each second on this Earth is an opportunity to grow in love which lasts for Eternity because YOU are LOVE. Amen
Beloved Rise,
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